CUA Educational Sessions
   and Hands-on Courses

Educational Sessions (ES)

[Scroll down for available hands-on courses]

    • Claim additional Section 1 Group Learning credits!
    • Attendance is complimentary for all Annual Meeting delegates (healthcare professionals only with full program and scientific program only registration categories)
  • ES#1 // Friday June 24

    07:00-09:00 AT | Delta Prince Edward (Spruce Oake)

    New Developments in Robotic-Assisted Surgery: The OLV Experience & Canadian Perspective

    Invited Speaker
    Ruben de Groote ⋅ Urologic Oncologist, OLV Hospital, Belgium

    Featured Speaker:
    Jason Lee ⋅ Urologic Surgeon, UHN, Toronto

    - Evolution of robotic-assisted surgery (RAS) in urology
    - Current challenges and experience in the Canadian market
    - New innovation in RAS and the OLV experience with case reviews
    - Discussion of RAS education and training

    *Breakfast will be served.

  • ES#2 // Friday June 24

    16:30-17:30 AT | Delta Prince Edward (Cedar Elm)

    The Radioligand Therapy (RLT) Revolution in Prostate Cancer: Is Canada Ready?

    Kim Chi ⋅ Medical Oncologist
    Frédéric Pouliot ⋅ Urologic Oncologist
    Stephan Probst ⋅ Nuclear Medicine

    - What is RLT, and what RLT therapies are under investigation in this space?
    - Requirements to implement RLT across Canada.
    - Existing gaps in infrastructure for RLT implementation and how these can be bridged to ensure access to patients from coast to coast.

    *Refreshments will be served.

Sponsor: AAA: A Novartis Company

  • ES#3 // Saturday June 25

    14:40-15:30 AT | Delta Prince Edward (Plenary)

    Advanced Prostate Cancer: Integrating Guidance into Practice

    Ricardo Rendon ⋅ Urologic Oncologist
    Troy Sitland ⋅ Urologist
    Krista Noonan ⋅ Medical Oncologist

    - Assess and recognize patients with mCSPC, nmCRPC, and mCRPC who require an intensification or change in their treatment strategy
    - Integrate recent Canadian guidance for the management of advanced prostate cancer into routine practice
    - Facilitate patient referral from community practices to tertiary centres as appropriate for patients with advanced disease to access the appropriate therapies and services

Sponsor: Astellas

  • ES#4 // Sunday June 26

    08:00-09:00 AT | Delta Prince Edward (Plenary)

    Biochemical Recurrence in Prostate Cancer

    Brita Danielson ⋅ Radiation Oncologist
    Bhimal Bhindi ⋅ Urologic Oncologist
    Christopher Wallis ⋅ Urologic Oncologist

    -What is BCR, how to monitor BCR, and when to start ADT
    -Intermittent vs. continuous ADT (and when to switch)
    -Treatment intensification, and when to refer patient to an oncologist
    -Current studies looking at treatment intensification for BCR (prior to development of nmCRPC)

Hands-on Courses (HOCs)

    • Please reserve your spot in advance!
    • Attendance is complimentary for all Annual Meeting attendees (healthcare professionals only with full program and scientific program only registration categories)
  • HOC#1 // Friday June 24

    07:30-09:30 AT | Delta Prince Edward (Bonshaw/Charlottetown)

    The New Generation of Pressure Controlled PCNL Systems

    Hassan Razvi ⋅ London, ON
    Jennifer Bjazevic ⋅ London, ON
    Shuba De ⋅ Edmonton, AB

    *Breakfast will be served.

    - Ultrasound Guided and Tubeless PCNL Techniques
    - Supine and Minimally Invasive PCNL (MIP) Techniques
    - Hands-On MIP Session and PCNL Instrument Review

Sponsor: Karl Storz

  • HOC#2 // Saturday June 25

    17:00-18:30 AT | Delta Prince Edward (Birch)

    Stress Urinary Incontinence: Update on the Current Situation

    Genvieve Nadeau ⋅ Urologist

    - Epidemiology and conservative management of SUI
    - Surgical procedures to treat SUI and their evidence
    - Mesh complications with MUS and the current climate
    - Different bulking agents available

Sponsor: Searchlight

  • HOC#3 // Sunday June 26

    07:00-09:00 AT | Delta Prince Edward (Spruce/Oake)

    Clinical Pearls and a Canadian Perspective on the Integration of the Fiber Dust Thulium Fiber Laser System

    Olivier Traxer ⋅ Endourologist
    Kevin Kwan ⋅ Urologist

    *Breakfast will be served.

    - Fiber Dust Thulium Fiber Laser Technology
    - Transitioning from Holmium technology to Thulium Fiber technology
    - Clinical application of the Fiber Dust Thulium Fiber Laser
    - Canadian perspective of integrating the Fiber Dust Thulium Fiber Laser into a practice

Sponsor: Clarion

CUA Corporate Sponsors (2021-2022)

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Silver Corporate Sponsor

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